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Parts and Accesories Catalog February 1961
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1955 NIODPELS Cont Require Items A and C thru N plus the following ITEM QUANTITY PART N0 DESCRIPTION REMARKS Q 1 1513134 Temperature Gauge I I New part required Dash Unit connect to ignition switch or switch controlled terminal on junction block same as above R 1 3722959 Oil Level Gauge 4 S 1 3749684 Crankcase Ventilator Tube jr New parts required T 1 3726643 Ventilator Tube Bracket 5 U 1 5574538 Oil Filter Unit 4 New pent required GENERAL IN 0RMA l ION 1 Vacuum operated equipment such as W Wiper Washer etc use carburetor attaching hollow stud for vacuum take off Z On 1955 6 models grind a flat on starter flange at upper imountinqg bolt hole for cylinder case clearance Also use thru bolt and nut for attachment at this location It may also be neuesisary to ream Rear Engine Mounts to 7A G dia to accommodate Flywheel Housizng 3 Models with optional equipment require replacing or transfer of engine part special to such options i e special generator would require mournting lbracket and brace to match generator 4 Drill and tap Inlet Manifold 16 thrdl to accommodate 1955 w iw vacuum takeoff 5 If number shown is not cataloggedl check History Section for replaeccing part number xe6z Chevrolet Motor Division 16C General Motors Corporation