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secondary Carter 2 196 w 3760264 4593 3772600 3795966 3815403 04 9207 3826004 06 7324 3851761 62 5581 6580 3875966 6749 61 64 Pass 409 exc dual 4BC 3814829 1 primary Carter ...
Pass w H Per 409 3814830 1 auxiliary Carter 3 13395 w 3797699 3815404 9207 3826004 06 3851761 62 5581 6580 61 64 Pass w H Per dual 4BC 409 62 64 Pass ...
Pass w H Per 409 3832978 1 primary Carter 3 1427S w 3826004 6006 6324 64 Pass w H Per 409 64 Pass w H Per 327 3857356 1 primary Carter 3 1743S
Pass 327 exc A I R 543070 2 w seat and gasket w 3797699 3815403 4 9207 3826004 6 62 64 Pass w H Per 409 3857532 2 w seat and gasket Carter ...
Carter 101 453 62 64 Pass w H Per 327 3815044 2 w 3795566 3815493 04 9207 3826004 O6 3851761 62 6580 38 64 Pass exc 1959 C A C 7015110 1 VALVE ASSY
primary choke side Carter 58 6335 w 3797699 3819207 3826004 3851761 62 Note 1 62 Pass w H Per 327 63 64 Pass ...
primary pump side Carter 58 6345 w 3797699 3819207 3826004 3851761 62 Note 1 63 Pass w P G 327 64 Pass P G w Air Cond 327 7027817 1 primary
SHAFT w lever piston housing Carter 14 6055 w 3760264 4593 3772600 3795566 7699 3815404 9207 3826004 06 3851761 62 6580 58 61 Pass ...
SPACER choke trip lever w 3760264 4593 3772600 3795566 7699 3815404 9207 3826004 06 3851761 62 6580 3 753 SPRING Carburetor Choke 38 62 Pass w Roch 6 cyl exc A C 7002356 1 valve
standard Carter 16 205 w 3797699 3826004 3851761 used w Carter 37215 62 64 Pass P G w H Per 327 3877016 2 standard Carter 16 204 w 3819207 3826006 3851762 used w Carter
Pass w H Per 327 62 63 Pass w Sp H Per 327 3830752 1 HOUSING w 3826004 06 3851761 62 63 64 Pass 409 exc H Per dual 4BC 7025496 1 HOUSING w plugs
Carter 7 218 w 3760264 4593 3772600 3795566 7699 3815404 9207 3826004 05 3851761 62 6580 61 64 Pass w H Per 409 3815038 1 Carter 7 217S
Pass w H Per dual 4BC V 409 1360008 1 ROD connector Carter 1 15 372 w 3826004 7324 3852761 62 5581 3875966 6749 1970 CHEVROLET MOTOR DIVISION GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATION
Pass w H Per 327 7013765 1 PISTON choke w 3797699 3815404 9207 3826004 06 3851761 62 6580 Carter 610 199 61 64 Pass 409 exc dual 4BC 3815053 1 PISTON choke Carter
SCREW w washer Carter 101 4318 w 3760264 4593 3772600 3795566 7699 3815403 04 9207 3826004 06 3851761 62 6580 3 732 COVER GASKET SCREW Carburetor Dust 55 64 Pass w 4BC dual